I won’t argue with you. You do have a point. Full fat grass fed dairy is great-tasting and healthy. The truth is the scientific community has not quite reached a consensus on whether or not people who try to lose weight should limit saturated fat from dairy or not.
In my book Eat More Burn More, I did favor a lower fat content from dairy products to decrease the overall caloric intake (even though I don’t advocate counting calories; who has time for that?). I made that choice because I wanted to give people the best possible chances to lose weight.
Having said that, in my home, my wife and I usually prefer full fat dairy products for ourselves and our 5 children. Our weight and shape is stable and losing weight is not a concern right now. So we made that choice.
To sum things up, I think this is a choice that each individual needs to make. This (and nutrition in general) is not a black and white issue. It always is a complex issue with many factors and gray areas.