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Fat Burning Pizza Dough Question… There is no way a 1/2 cup of whole grain flour total can make a dough when there is 2 eggs and 1 cup of milk added to it. It was like soup!! In order to get it to resemble dough I had to add quite a bit more of the flour - Knowledgebase / Chef Gui Eat More Burn More - Early to Rise Customer Support

Fat Burning Pizza Dough Question… There is no way a 1/2 cup of whole grain flour total can make a dough when there is 2 eggs and 1 cup of milk added to it. It was like soup!! In order to get it to resemble dough I had to add quite a bit more of the flour

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Thanks for trying the recipe and I'm sorry you're having trouble with it. That pizza "dough" recipe is not actually meant to be a dough. It's meant to be more like a batter. I know I'm mentioning it in the recipe, but I should have made it clearer.

 As it cooks, it transforms into a pizza crust that is fat-burning. That recipe is good and tested well. Having said that, I'll go back to it and do it again just to make sure there was no typo at printing.

 Also, important, you need to use coconut flour, not whole grain flour as you mention. Coconut flour is much more absorbent than whole-grain flour (and fat-burning too). This may be the reason why the recipe did not turn out well.

 Hopefully you will give it a second try. To be honest, it's not an easy recipe. The cooking time and temperature needs to be perfect for the crust to come out great. But I guess that's the price to pay for a fat burning pizza!


Hope this helps.